~*~ The Green Grass on My Side ~*~

November 6, 2006

The Quality Time…

Filed under: circle,love (wutelse?),thanks — by altari @ 12:50 pm

Was watching Grey’s Anatomy, the ‘Deny Deny Deny’ episode with my folks. No Indonesian subtitle, and English is just not their first language. Anyways, when Meredith’s Mum, Ellis Grey, suddenly burst into the MRI room and gave medical instructions to Alex, there was another drama in my living room:

Dad: Is she a doctor or a patient? (In a confused tone. Not surprising, coz Ellis was on bed minutes before)

Me: She used to be a good doctor. But she had to retire due to Alzheimer.

Ten minutes later after commercial break. On TV, everybody panicked coz Ellis’ room was empty. George was supposed to watch out for her.

Dad: What happened?

Me: (Telling myself: Here we go again…) Ellis went missing.

Dad: Where did she go?

Me: (Inhale-exhale deeply) That’s what everyone’s asking actually.

After another commercial break:

Dad: They wear different colors of uniforms. D’you know what each means?

Me: (Trying hard to catch what Addison was telling Meredith. FYI, English is not my first language either) Dunno… Not sure…

Dad: Does each color represent a particular grade?

Me: Maybe (What did Addison say again?)

Dad: That man just now seems to be the big boss, but he wears the same color like his employees. Why?

Me: … I’ll ask the producer about that later.

So I hardly got what the episode was all about that night. Can’t believe this kind of thing has been going on for tens of years in my life. Newsflash: I’m moving out of my parents’ house by the end of November.

Come to think of that, as much as Dad’s questions during the series being played kinda bugged me, I’m definitely gonna miss this moment with him, much!

Well, I guess I don’t mind being bugged 🙂

PS: I watched it on 01-Nov, so it was before I made the ‘to do’ list on my previous post. Don’t get too suspicious yet 😉 Well, the good news is, I’m still hangin’ on the list. Ooh yeah!


  1. dad always missed daughter when they live separately. i’m a dad, living separately with my daughter, even though only 1 hour drive away, and i insist that she needs to go home once a week. but daughter has always excuses…

    Comment by aroengbinang — November 10, 2006 @ 7:18 am |Reply

  2. Hahaha been there done that, I mean on your daughter’s side, Aroengbinang. But guess wut, dad’s always been a girl’s first boyfriend and a boy’s first buddy. Ain’t that sweet? 🙂

    Comment by altari — November 14, 2006 @ 8:59 am |Reply

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